Priya Anand has opted out of Vikram’s next film, to be directed by Anand Shankar. The film was slated to have Vikram acting alongside both Priya Anand and Kajal Aggarwal, but Priya announced on Twitter that she was no longer a part of the project.
My Apologies To All Vikram Fans! I Will Not Be A Part Of @anandshank ‘s Film. Wishing The Team All The Best For Their 1st Schedule in KL!
— Priya Anand (@PriyaAnand) June 23, 2015
According to unconfirmed reports, Priya Anand made the decision due to a clash of dates with her other projects. Bindu Madhavi is the most likely replacement. Silverscreen was unable to get in touch with Anand Shankar to confirm these changes.
Shooting for the movie – tentatively titled Marma Manidhan– begins next week. The film is produced by Ayngaran International.