The year 2017 will definitely go down as the year in which India saw a rise in creative censorship and vigilantism in the name of Indian culture. After the mindless protests against Padmavati, pro-Kannada group Karnataka Rakshana Vedike Yuva Sene protested against actor Sunny Leone taking part in a New Year’s Eve event scheduled to take place at Manyata Tech Park in Bengaluru. They claimed it is against Kannada culture.
Karnataka: The members of pro- Kannada group Karnataka Rakshana Vedike Yuva Sene staged a demonstration protesting against actor Sunny Leone taking part in a new year eve event at Manyata Tech Park in Bengaluru
— ANI (@ANI) December 15, 2017
The protesters wore black ribbons and with brooms in their hands, they burnt posters of Leone in front of the venue.
“We all know who Sunny Leone is, she is not an Indian or a Kannadiga. We know her history, we don’t want her to spoil the culture of the land,” said Syed Minaj, general secretary of the group, according to India Today.
Incidentally, Leone is the most searched Indian entertainer on Google this year.