Yesterday, producer and vice-president Kathiresan told the press that the Madras High Court had dismissed director Karthik Subbaraj’s civil suit in connection with the Jigarthanda remake rights issue. He also said that by virtue of the fact that Karthik Subbaraj had sold the story and copyright of the movie to him, he was now the author of the work.
The producer had filed a counter petition against Karthik Subbaraj’s appeal, and had also filed a separate petition to vacate the stay imposed on him. In the second petition, he stated that several facts had been suppressed in Karthik Subbaraj’s appeal. The case was investigated by the Court on July 9. The judgement stopped the stay and ordered further investigation of the case in the main trail.
Karthik Subbaraj had earlier claimed ownership of 40per cent of Jigarthanda’s remake rights, and filed a civil suit to stay the sale of any part of Jigarthanda’s story or copyright. The case was file after Kathiresan sold the movie to Hindi director Sajid Nadiawala.