The entire team of Kabali, helmed by director Pa Ranjith, were at AVM Studios in Chennai on Saturday for a photoshoot, and reportedly, actress Radhika Apte and actor Kalaiarasan were awestruck meeting Rajinikanth at the studio. The makers of Kabali are planning to reveal the first look of the movie before the commencement of shooting.
Actress Radhika Apte shared her excitement in her tweet:
Back from Chennai! Guess who I met today?! ???#Kabali
— Radhika Apte (@radhika_apte) August 21, 2015
Actor Kalaiarasan’s fame rose sky high after portraying the character of Anbu in Madras. He tweeted the following after meeting Rajinikanth:
Met the One and only super star thalaivar today … Big day …felt really emotional and couldn’t speak a word…. Love U thalaivaaaaaaaa
— Kalaiyarasan (@Actor_Kalai) August 21, 2015
Thalaivar told my name …. Still not out of that shock …. Flyingggggg….
— Kalaiyarasan (@Actor_Kalai) August 21, 2015
Shooting of Kabali is expected to begin on September 18 in Malaysia. Actor Rajinikanth will be essaying the role of an aged don, while Radhika Apte plays his wife. Actress Dhansika is said to play the role of Rajinikanth’s daughter and as a drug addict in the movie. Produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu, Kabali has music by Santhosh Narayanan, cinematography by Murali and editing by Praveen KL.