Theatre artiste and writer Radhika Prasidhha makes her debut in Tamil cinema with Kuttram Kadithal. Directed by debutant Bramma, the thriller features Radhika as a teacher. “I underwent intense training at an acting workshop for the role,” began Radhika, “We rehearsed scene-by-scene for about a month, and I was coached by different theatre trainers. So, when Bramma saw our final performance, he could explore other possibilities and find opportunities to improvise.”
Radhika revealed that her character in Kuttram Kadithal is poles apart from her real life persona. “There were times when I completely couldn’t relate to Merlin. I had to debate with myself about why the character perceived things in a certain way. It was difficult because I had to have that conviction to portray her emotions. But when I understood her thoughts and how things worked in her world, I felt peaceful.”
The actress, who is also a freelance storyteller, declared that narrating stories to children moulded the actor in her. “Children are the best critics. Every day, I would hone my acting skills with them. From their feedback, I could always find my grey areas,” she explained. Radhika attended her first theatre workshop at Theatre Y, playing a role in their production Reality. She also donned the titular role in Vijay Tendulkar’s Kamala – a Madras Players production – and essayed a pivotal role in Serious Men. Besides theatre, Radhika has acted in many short films made by students.
Radhika has a studio at home. Something which she created when there were not many opportunities to hone her skills. “We tend to become lethargic when there are no projects,” she explained, “so, my friends and I used to rehearse a daily-life incident, or act like a character we see on the roads.” During one such rehearsal, it occurred to Radhika that she could write a web-series called Nyaayiru Maalai. “We recorded our performances, which were a set of eight monologues. That’s when I discovered that I could be a mainstream actor too.”
Christy Siluvappan, co-producer of Kuttram Kadithal, roped in Radhika after watching her web-series.
Radhika Prasidhha is also a script-writer. Her play – I Exist – which was about female and child sexuality, won the award for the Best Script at the Short + Sweet Theatre Festival. But she has no plans to write a movie script at present; it would take more time, said Radhika. “At the moment, I am focusing on acting. I will accept any role as long as it interests me. And if it means that I will have to just doll up and go on screen, it is still fine.”
Jointly produced by Chris Pictures and JSK Film Corporation, Kuttram Kadithal releases next month. It was the only Tamil movie to be featured at the Zimbabwe International Film Festival.
Watch the teaser here.