We had earlier reported that director Rajesh will make a sequel to Boss Engira Bhaskaran. But the filmmaker has revised his decision, and is now working on another script. This film will feature Arya, Tamannaah and Santhanam in the lead roles. Rajesh tweeted:
I am not doing beb 2.working on a fresh script,arya,thamanna and santhanam doing the lead roles and arya’s “The show people” is producing it
— Rajesh M (@rajeshmdirector) October 9, 2014
Tamannaah acknowledged:
Can’t wait to start shooting 4 our movie @rajeshmdirector and Arya , looking frward to all the fun times on set:))))
— Tamannaah Bhatia (@tamannaahspeaks) October 9, 2014
Arya, who bankrolled Boss Engira Bhaskaran, will produce the yet-untitled flick under his banner The Show People.