Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan attended the inauguration of the Sivaji Ganesan Mani Mandapam earlier today. This event marked the 89th birth anniversary celebrations of Nadigar Thilagam. Prabhu, Sathyaraj, Karthi, Nasser were also on hand to help TN Deputy CM O Panneerselvam officially open the memorial building.
At the event, Rajinikanth was all praise for Sivaji’s unique acting skills. “When there used to be a particular style for an actor to follow in those days. Siavji broke all the cliches and carved his own style in acting and dialogue delivery. He created a new revolution in film acting those days. He portrayed many freedom fighters on screen.He inspired not only Tamil actors, he is a role model for actors across the country.”
Rajinikanth then talked about Sivaji’s brief stint in politics. “This is a film and political event. Sivaji also took a plunge in politics. He lost in his own constituency though. That was not an insult to Sivaji, it was an insult to the people of his constituency. So one cannot become a successful politician, not by fame and money, something else is needed and only people knows what it is. May be Kamal Haasan knows about it but he is not telling me. May be if I had asked a couple of months ago he would have told me about that. When I asked him about it now, he said, ‘come with me, will tell you’.”
Speaking at the occasion, Kamal Haasan said, “I have come here not as an artist, but as a Sivaji fan. Even if I had not become an actor to attend this function, I would have still come here as a fan and stood outside. I have come here to thank Nadigar Thilagam for inspiring us.”