Rajinikanth will launch a new television channel. While the channel’s name has not been finalised, the actor’s team has applied for registration of the names ‘Superstar TV’, ‘Rajini TV’, and ‘Thalaivar TV’. The trademarks were applied on behalf of Rajini’s political organisation Rajini Makkal Mandram.
In a letter that went viral on Thursday, Rajinikanth said he had no objection in his name and logo being used for the channel.
A report in The Live Mint quotes the letter. In it, Rajinikanth says, “I, R. Rajinikanth have no objection to use my name, photo on the logo and label. I request the registrar to process the application to next level.” Efforts to launch the channel was taken by Sudhakar, a long time associate and fan of the actor. But after the registry raised objections on similar trademarks, the actor’s team defended the uniqueness of the application.
The actor’s lawyer in the letter stated that, “Our client (VM Sudhakar) is a fan of actor Rajinikanth so he opted for the same ‘Superstar TV’ as his trade name. The logo consists of a combination of designs and colours making it dependable and fancy and presented in special design with innovative font and style, colour scheme and background with an artistic representation. Since our client is a fan of superstar, he has chosen Mr. Rajinikanth as his device.”
According to a report in News 18, the actor’s team has applied for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for the registration of ‘Superstar TV’, ‘Rajini TV’ and ‘ Thalaivar TV’. The application was filed by VM Sudhakar, a senior functionary of the Rajini Makkal Mandram. 2 out of the 6 trademarks have been accepted and advertised.
It has been a year since actor Rajinikanth expressed his idea of getting into politics, and he had earlier said that his party would contest in all 234 constituency in the 2021 general election. But in the recent times he has been criticised for being unaware of what is happening in the state. This became very visible after Cyclone Gaja which affected the Kaveri Delta and other southern coastal districts of Tamil Nadu. His critics have pointed out that he has not visited affected areas even as Kamal Haasan is still on rounds and is building up a support base there.