2.0, starring Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar, has faced yet another delay. The film is currently in the post-production stages and was originally scheduled to release on January 26 this year, then it was postponed to August due to the extensive visual effects work left in the movie. Now, reports suggest that the film will most likely not release in August as well.
According to the Deccan Chronicle, distributors of 2.0 have been told that their advance amounts will be returned. Sunil Narang, who has brought the distribution rights of the Rajinikanth-starrer for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, is also expecting his advance amount to be returned. In an interview with Deccan Chronicle, Narang said: “The production house has voluntarily offered to return the amount since the film has been indefinitely postponed”
A spokesperson for the film told Silverscreen, “We are still busy with the post-production. News about the film’s release date will reach you later this year.”
Tirupur Subramaniyam, president, West Zone Theater Owners’ Association, said, “It is not true that 2.0 has been indefinitely postponed. How can a producer or director postpone the film indefinitely when they have invested Rs 400 crores? Earlier the film was slated to hit the screens on August 15 but now the release is postponed to Diwali. I am sure it will rock the screens this Diwali.”
The reason for the delay is the fancy visual effects work which is taking longer than expected. The VFX work has been distributed to many studios across the globe. The film has around 11,000 VFX shots and each shot is being worked upon, stated earlier reports.
2.0 is the sequel to Endhiran. It has Rajinikanth, Amy Jackson in lead roles. Shankar is the director while Akshay Kumar plays the villain. Music is by AR Rahman.