Ram Gopal Varma’s Vangaveeti has landed in legal trouble, as Vijayawada-based politician Vangaveeti Radha has filed a petition against the makers of the film, ahead of the film’s audio launch in Vijayawada on Saturday. A petition was filed with the Hyderabad High Court on Wednesday, claiming that the director’s film diverts from facts. A notice was sent to the director and the film’s producer, Dasari Kiran Kumar, seeking a response by Friday, December 2, for when a hearing is scheduled.
Justice Challa Kodanda Ram heard the petition which wanted the court to ensure that the film isn’t sanctioned a censor certificate. Vangaveeti Radha is the son of Ranga, and soon after Ram Gopal Varma announced Vangaveeti in January 2016, Radha had warned him against showing his late father in bad light, and requested Varma not take the side of any particular community.
Vangaveeti features new actors like Sandeep Kumar, Vamsi Nakkanti, Vamsi Chaganti, Naina Ganguly, Kautilya and Shritej in the lead roles. The movie is expected to hit the screens on December 23.
Feature image courtesy : thehansindia.com