Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have wrapped up the first schedule of the superhero film Brahmastra in Bulgaria. This is the first installment of the fantasy-drama trilogy. Helmed by Ayan Mukerji of Wake Up Sid fame, Alia posted a picture posing with her new ‘best friend’ Ayan and co-actor Ranbir with the caption, “& its just the beginning…”
Coldest of the temperatures with the warmest of people !!#Brahmastra schedule 1 wrapped in Bulgaria pic.twitter.com/a8BPpDmJ38
— Apoorva Mehta (@apoorvamehta18) March 24, 2018
Ranbir and Ayan have worked together in two films prior to Brahmastra, Wake Up Sid and Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, both of which worked extremely well at the box office. This is the first film which will see Ranbir and Alia together on-screen.
Ranbir will reportedly train in Kalaripayattu, Varma Kalai and martial art form Huyen Langlon from Manipur for the action sequences. The film will release next year.