It looks like versatile actor Rao Ramesh is upto yet another challenge. While the best of characters are being offered to him presently, the latest is that the actor has okayed a key role in the much awaited biopic of late Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy.
Titled Yatra, the film will focus on YSR’s stellar political journey and his rise to the post of Chief Minister, before he eventually saw a tragic death in an accident. Malayalam superstar Mammootty will be seen bringing to life the late CM’s character and Rao Ramesh has been roped in to play his trusted aide, K.V.P. Rama Chandra Rao, who is known to be a silent observer of every major development in his life till the end.
Directed by Mahi V. Raghav, Yatra will go on floors in mid June. A great deal of research is being done by the team to authentically bring to life several real incidents that led to the eventual political rise and fame. YSR was one of those politicians who enjoyed immense popularity amidst people, and was considered a demigod. Yatra is slated to release in 2018.