Following the notice reportedly sent to ten Telugu film personalities, including Puri Jagannadh, P Navdeep, Tarun Kumar, A Tanish, and P Subbaraju, to appear before the Special Investigation Team of the Drug Enforcement Wing in connection with a drugs bust case, Ravi Teja is still said to be under the scanner owing to his recently deceased brother, Bharath’s connection with the racket.
According to a Deccan Chronicle report, after investigating Bharath’s phone, information about a drug racket was allegedly found. It is reported that he was even arrested for a drug incident in the past, and was always under the scanner after his release.
While Bharath died a few weeks ago in a car accident in Hyderabad, his elder brother, Ravi Teja is being closely watched, reports suggest. Yesterday, the actor’s representative told Silverscreen that he does not have a drug problem.
Filmmaker Puri Jagannadh, too, denied his involvement. The director took to Twitter to clarify that he had not given any statements to anybody.
I have not given any statement regarding anything n anyone till now ..
very busy completing my film #PaisaVasool— PURI JAGAN (@purijagan) July 15, 2017
Others under the scanner include actresses Charmee Kaur and Mumait Khan, cinematographer Shyam K Naidu, singer Ananda Krishna Nandu, and art director Chinna N Dharmarao.