Actor Mohanlal’s two Telugu films are set to release soon. Manamantha, starring Mohanlal, Urvashi, Gautami and Viswant Duddumpudi, will officially release on August 5. The film is directed by Chandra Sekhar Yeleti, who is known for his National Award winning neo-noir crime film Aithe (2003).
Janatha Garage, Mohanlal’s bilingual (Tamil-Telugu) film will release on September 2. He will star alongside Junior NTR, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, and Nithya Menen. The film is directed by Koratala Siva whose last film Srimanthudu (2015) had Mahesh Babu in the lead. The film was initially scheduled to release on August 12.
The last Telugu film Mohanlal was seen in was Priyadarshan’s Gandeevam (1994) where he played the role of a dancer. According to sources, the actor will be playing the role of a store manager in Manamantha. In a recent The Hindu interview, the film’s director said that Mohanlal learnt the language and insisted on dubbing for his character. Manamantha has been shot in Telugu and Malayalam, and dubbed in Tamil.
Meanwhile, Mohanlal has another film in the pipeline. This crime-drama, directed by Priyadarshan, is titled Oppam. The release date of this project is yet to be announced.