At the audio launch of Uyire Uyire, actress Radhika Sarathkumar had a piece of advice for the new generation actors. She said that yesteryear actors, including herself, shared a great camaraderie, and that they could discuss any issue among themselves and sort it out. “I am unsure if the actors of today have that type of friendship and respect for each other”, she said.
Radhika urged young actors to respect senior actors and look up to them. “Don’t spit facing upwards, for it will land on
The senior actress continues a ‘rich tradition’ of Tamil actors teaching people lessons in spitting. Us? We think people should just spit in their washrooms. Preferably not facing upwards, but hey, its your washroom.
Here’s a song that preaches the same concept, with a catchy tune moreover.
Video courtesy : Kalakkalcinema and VJ Records