At a press meet in Chennai, yesterday, RJ Balaji, launched his podcast Mind Voice. The show is being created exclusively for Jio Saavn. Speaking to the press about his new venture, Balaji said, “The former US President said something that really resonated with me, that today’s youth is addicted to anger. It is the only response to the world around them.”
As a content creator, he felt that there was a paucity of online media that focussed on positivity and all the good it can do for you. “With the anger epidemic so prevalent here, I really wanted to do something that was more positive. It will be my take on pertinent issues, and will be delivered in a positive manner,” he said at the launch. Aditya Kasyap, Vice President – Marketing , Jio Saavn is the one who offered Balaji a platform for this show.
One of the major conversations around online content is that of censorship. When asked about it RJ Balaji said, “It’s all about self-censorship. After my radio show got a wider audience, I had to watch what I was saying because I knew children were listening in. I will do the same here too,” he signed off.
Mind Voice will be aired on Jio Saavn, every Wednesday.