RK Suresh’s new film has been titled Thennattan. Based on Jallikattu, the film went on the floors earlier this week. Directed by Vijay Pandi, the film will see Suresh in a rustic avatar.
“Jallikattu is the heart and soul of our people. It is high time we made movies that highlight its importance. This is what we hope to do with Thennattan. My role is pretty aggressive. I play the kind of person who would stand up for what’s right, be it women’s honour or the honour of our Tamil people,” Suresh told Silverscreen.
RK Suresh’s claim to fame was as the producer for films such as Salim and Dharmadurai. He also briefly got into a legal tussle with actor Vijay Sethupathi.
He made his acting debut with Bala’s Tharai Thappattai.