Roshini Dinaker, whose Malayalam film My Story received a lot of flak, is planning to re-release the film on August 9. The director is preparing to re-release the film all over India and told Mathrubhumi that the decision is based on the positive opinions of people who have watched the film.
“I have made a movie for the audience. But, only a few people watched My Story. They gave me a positive review and encouraged me. The people who haven’t watched it might criticize on social media. We shouldn’t consider their comments. I trust in my movie. I am also confident about the people who will enjoy it,” she was quoted as saying.
My Story, a romantic drama that released on July 7, received mixed reviews. As reported earlier, at a press meet held in Kochi, Dinaker, who is also the film’s producer, had said that the film was bearing the brunt of an ongoing negative campaign on social media against the lead actors of the film, Parvathy TK and Prithviraj Sukumaran. The director had also approached the Bengaluru police to fight the collective social media attacks on her film. She alleged that besides the negative comments and reviews, some people have also deleted the film’s trailer from online platforms.
Roshni had also slammed Parvathy and Prithviraj for not supporting her during the time of distress. “They should have been here with me now, offering solidarity. They didn’t do anything to promote the movie. Parvathy left for the United States, and Prithvi is now busy with Lucifer (his directorial debut). When I called them to discuss these issues, both of them were unavailable,” she had said.
Besides Prithiviraj and Parvathy, My Story stars Roger Narayan as the antagonist, besides Manoj K Jayan and Manianpillai Raju in supporting roles.
Read: My Story Review: This Tale Of Romance Is Hardly Relatable