Producer Thiagarajan of Staar Movies met the press today to reveal that the first look poster of his upcoming film Saahasam will be unveiled tomorrow by actor STR. The producer also added that the Saahasam team is stationed in Malaysia, shooting a couple of songs. The makers are planning a grand audio launch and are awaiting the dates of the singers who have lent their voices to the album of Saahasam.
The album composed by S Thaman is a star-fuelled one with the voices of Shreya Ghoshal, Mohit Chauhan, Lakshmi Menon, Andrea Jeremiah, STR and Anirudh Ravichander. The song Sayang Ku apparently has a few Malaysian words in it. Thiagarajan announced that plans are on to release the single tack in a grand manner in Malaysia.
Saahasam, directed by Arun Raj Varma, stars Prashanth and actress Amanda in the lead roles. Bollywood actress Narghis Fakri has been roped in for a dance number in this movie.
When questioned about the status of the remakes of Hindi films Special 26 and Queen, producer Thiagarajan revealed that these two projects would begin once Saahasam is complete.