Salman Khan has been acquitted in the black buck poaching case. The actor was shooting for Hum Saath Saath Hain in Rajasthan when the poaching incident is said to have occurred. The Court found no evidence linking the shooting with Khan’s licensed gun.
18 years later, the case has finally wound to a close. The actor had moved the Rajasthan High Court against a lower court’s decision to sentence him to one year’s jail term in the Blackbuck poaching case and 5 years imprisonment in the Chinkara Case. Both animals fall under the endangered species list, and poaching them is a punishable offence. Salman Khan had already spent time in a Jodhpur prison twice, according to reports.
The Sultan actor is no stranger to legal tangles. He was acquitted last year in the now infamous Hit and Run case. In the last month alone, the actor has been sued twice – once for making an inappropriate rape analogy, and again over an alleged criminal breach of trust over Sultan’s story.