Salman Khan is reportedly being sued by a rape survivor following his ‘raped woman‘ comment. The young woman from Hisar, Haryana has served the Sultan actor a legal notice and has asked for Rs. 10 crore compensation for his insensitive comments. If the actor fails to comply with the demand, a criminal case will be filed against him, the woman’s lawyer Rajat Kalsan told media.
The actor faced severe backlash for his comments, wherein he claimed that the tough stunt sequences for Sultan often left him feeling like a ‘raped woman’. Kangana Ranaut, Lisa Ray, Sona Mahapatra and Priyanka Chopra have come forward to criticise the actor for his comments, while the National Council for Women has demanded a public apology from the actor.
While his father Salim Khan has come forward to apologise on his son’s behalf, the actor has not reacted to the controversy at all. When questioned about the controversy at the recently held IIFA Awards, he commented, “better if I talk less,” to the press.