Actor-director Samuthirakani’s Naadodigal Productions is releasing a biopic on the life of R Nallakannu, the veteran Communist Party of India leader. The film, titled Adhanal Dhaan Avar Nallakannu, is written and directed by Pon Shanmuga Vel, with music composed by Justin Prabhakaran.
The trailer of the biopic released on the occasion of Labour Day on May 1.
VELVOM……Proud to share the Official trailer of “ADHANAL DHAAN AVAR NALLAKANNU” produced by Naadodigal. @Ponshanmugahavelu @justin_tunes
— P.samuthirakani (@thondankani) May 1, 2019
Director Shanmuga Vel, a photographer, cinematographer and journalist, met Samuthirakani during the shoot for Aan Devathai, and also on the sets of Appa when one of the photographs of Nallakannu taken by him featured in the film. “We got talking and I realised both of us followed Nallakannu. I told him I was making a film on the leader, and he immediately offered to produce it,” says Shanmuga Vel.
The film has been in production since 2017, and was shot in many locations associated with Nallakannu, from his home town in Srivaikuntam to the places where he spent his later days. The trailer introduces us to the politician through the people in these places whose basic rights to land and work he fought for. His close aide RS Jacob, a teacher and a communist, says that if the CPI had come to power, Nallakannu would have brought a golden period in the state.
The biopic looks at his writings, work and his place in history as a communist leader, says director Shanmuga Vel. “This is a film to introduce him to people, and to say why we need to know about him.”
He adds that he has been working on the film for many years, and it needed the support which Samuthirakani readily offered. “People look up to him for the identity he has created for himself today. Making a film produced by him came as a very good opportunity for me.”
The film is likely to release in the next three months. Samuthirakani is currently busy with the release of Nadodigal 2, starring Sasikumar and Anjali. Actor Sasikumar’s role in the film is said to be inspired by Jeevanandam, the politician who also influenced Nallakannu.
Watch the trailer of Adhanal Dhaan Avar Nallakannu:
Image Courtesy: Maalaimalar