Actor-director Samuthirakani tweeted the poster of Appa 2 on Father’s Day along with the caption saying ‘Velvom’. The film is expected to be a sequel to his earlier film Appa (2016).
— P.samuthirakani (@thondankani) June 17, 2018
Most cast members of Appa will reprise their roles. Actor Raghav, who played the role of Chakravarthy – the boy who dies in the previous film, is also seen in the poster. His presence piqued interest regarding the sequel.
The film Appa – an independent drama – was in fact a sequel to the film Saatai (2012), written, produced and directed by Samuthirakani. The film featured Samuthirakani in the lead role with Thambi Ramaiah in a supporting role and the music was by Ilaiyaraaja.
Samuthirakani played the role of a father who helps out his son and his friends to deal with the pressure of the education system. In Saatai, he was a school teacher changing the lives of many students in a government school.
Meanwhile, Samuthirakani is also busy with the production work of Aan Dhevadhai which is a social drama with the story revolving around a middle class married couple.