Earlier today, actor Arya’s next film, Magamuni, was launched with a pooja in Chennai. Directed by Santhakumar of Mounaguru fame, the film is said to be a “crime thriller” along the lines of his 2011 directorial debut with Arulnithi in the lead. According to a press release sent by the film’s PRO, Magamuni will be bankrolled by Gnanavel Raja of Studio Green and will star actors Arya, Indhuja and Mahima Nambiar in the lead. Director Santhakumar has written the story, screenplay and dialogues for the film which also features other actors like Junior Balaiyya, Jayaprakash, Arul Doss, G M Sundar and Kaali Venkat.
The shooting of the film will take place across Chennai, Kancheepuram and Erode. Cinematography for the film will be handled by Arun Padmanabhan, with music by SS Thaman who had composed for Mounaguru as well. National Award winner VJ Sabu is in charge of editing while Muthulingam has written the lyrics. Action Prakash will choreograph the stunt sequences.
Santhakumar’s debut, Mounaguru, was a sleeper hit which received good reviews on its release in 2011. Starring Arulnithi, Iniya, John Vijay and Uma Riyaz, the films follows the life of a college student (Arulnithi), and also chronicles an accident that happens on a highway. Uma Riyaz Khan plays an honest police officer to John Vijay’s corrupt one.
Arya, who was last seen in the Santhosh P Jayakumar-directed Ghajinikanth alongside Sayyesha, also has Santhanadevan with director Ameer. Said to be a period drama, it stars his brother Sathya and dancer Kruthika Jayakumar. That aside, Arya is also part of the KV Anand directorial Suriya 37 with actors Suriya and Mohanlal in the lead.
Mahima Nambiar, meanwhile, was last seen in Annanukku Jey as a member of a musical band. She has the Samuthirakani-directed Kitna coming up in which she shares screen-space with Samuthirakani himself and Dhansika. Actress Indhuja, whose role in Meyaadha Maan as the feisty sister of actor Vaibhav Reddy was much talked about, was last seen in the Deepavali release Billa Pandi.