The audio launch of Sarkar, which took place yesterday at the grounds of a private engineering college, had song performances interspersed with gushing praise for its lead star Vijay, followed by some veiled political commentary by the actor himself. In a marked contrast from his appearance at the Mersal audio launch, the actor’s speech was peppered with references to the current political scenario. While Vijay has never made his political ambitions clear and continues to keep the public guessing, he said: “Usually people join politics and create a Sarkar. But we are creating a Sarkar first. And then, we will join politics.”
When loud cheers greeted his words, Vijay explained that he was talking about the film and “nothing else”. Soon though, he began commenting on the lack of good political leadership; it was unclear whether he was referring to the State, the country, or both. A political party is only as good as its leader, he said citing Mahatma Gandhi as an example. “Gandhiji is said to be a pure man. A good man. That is why he had good followers like Rajaji, Nehruji, Kamaraj, Sardar Vallabhai Patel and many more.”
Times have become difficult due to the lack of good leadership, Vijay added. “These days, even getting a death certificate is difficult. This is because we have leaders who are not doing their job well.”
When he was asked if the rumours about him playing a Chief Minister on screen were true, Vijay denied this and said: “If I become the CM at all, I will not act (won’t be fake).” Corruption and bribery are the issues he would tackle if he were to become the CM, Vijay said. “But this is just karpanai,” he was quick to add.
The actor then said that “some forces were working behind the scenes to make sure that he did not win,” and that “ultimately, justice and truth will prevail.”
Meanwhile, Varalakshmi Sarath Kumar, Keerthy Suresh, AR Murugadoss, AR Rahman and producer Kalanithi Maran, who spoke before Vijay, were effusive in their praise for him. Varalakshmi sought to reinforce her respect for Vijay by saying that she would fight anyone and everyone who badmouthed the actor while Keerthy Suresh confessed that she’d earlier missed out on an opportunity to star opposite him. “But I guess I missed out on that film so that Sarkar can happen.”
AR Murugadoss, the director of Sarkar, said that only an actor like Vijay could do justice to his script. “I would say that he has not acted in the film. He has lived the role. He is playing himself in Sarkar. When he mouthed some important dialogues, I could feel the pain behind his words. He is my weapon.”
When AR Rahman took the stage, he was asked why he’s never had a musical collaboration with Vijay. The actor has been known to sing for his films, but has never done so in AR Rahman’s composition. “I would like Vijay to sing for me. As to why he has never done so, I guess that is a question you have to ask him,” he said.