Sathuranga Vettai’s release has been advanced to July 18. The ‘Indianised’ con-movie, directed by H Vinoth, was earlier scheduled to release on July 25 (which would have pitted it against Karthik Subbaraj’s Jigarthanda). But, now it looks like the film will go head-to-head with the Dhanush- Amala Paul starrer Velaiyilla Pattathari which is also widely believed to release next week.
Sathuranga Vettai is produced by veteran actor/director Manobala and will be distributed by N Lingusamy through his Thirrupathy Brothers. The film’s fun trailer has managed to gain recognition and it is expected to be a ‘black comedy’ along the lines of Soodhu Kavvum. Starring cinematographer ‘Natty’ Natarajan, the movie has music by Mundasupatti fame Sean Roldan.