Shakeela has had a memorable experience shooting for her biopic in Karnataka. The actor, in conversation with Silverscreen, said that the team behind her biopic made every effort to make sure that she was an integral part of the project. “I have been involved in this film right from the very beginning. I have been interacting with director Indrajith Lankesh since 2015 about the film. I was apprehensive about allowing someone else to direct, since I wanted to make the film myself. But with Indrajith, I know that the film is in good hands.”
Shakeela also said that she did not think about appearing in the biopic herself, since she was quite focused on making sure that the film was as true to life as possible. “When the director told me about the cameo, I was surprised. But it was a good feeling. This movie is a record of my life and in a small way, I am in it too.”
The actor doesn’t want to reveal if she is playing herself in the cameo. “You have to wait and watch the film to know.”
Richa Chadda will be bringing Shakeela to life onscreen. “She really made the effort to get to know me and understand my character. I like how she approached her role. She is very observant and got my body language right.”
The title for the film has not been finalised as yet. “We wanted something to reflect my life. We haven’t decided on a name yet. You will know when the first look releases,” Shakeela said.
Predominantly shot in Tirthahalli, Karnataka, the film is readying for release in 2019. A spokesperson for Indrajith Lankesh said that the director was moved to make a film about Shakeela after working with her in 2003. “Shakeela’s story is one of grit and determination. Her experiences have defined her life and we wanted to attempt to portray that onscreen,” the spokesperson added.
Image courtesy: Mirchi 9