Ranbir Kapoor delivered his first hit with Yash Raj Film’s Bachna Ae Haseeno and then he garnered critical acclaim for his fantastic performance in Rocket Singh: Salesman of The Year. After nine years, YRF and Ranbir are set to collaborate again for a desi, mega-action, masala entertainer titled Shamshera. The film is part of YRF’s 3-movie deal with Karan Malhotra, who directed the blockbuster Agneepath and then the action thriller Brothers.
In a press release, Ranbir said, “Shamshera is exactly the film I was looking for. While growing up watching Hindi commercial cinema, I had an image of what a film hero should be doing. Shamshera allows me to do everything that I had imagined and it’s a very exciting project for me. Karan is going to take me completely out of my comfort zone and I’m looking forward to this challenge.”
This high-octane adventure is set in the heartland of India and will have jaw-dropping action sequences and a never seen before Ranbir Kapoor. He will reportedly play a dacoit.
Shamshera is set to go on the floors end of this year and shooting will wrap by mid 2019. Before that, Ranbir will be seen in the Sanjay Dutt biopic that releases on June 29 and he is also working on a film with Alia Bhatt for the first time in Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra which will hit the theatres in August next year.
करम से डकैत,
धरम से आज़ाद
Presenting #RanbirKapoor in a never seen before avatar in YRF's next action adventure #SHAMSHERA. Directed by @karanmalhotra21 | @ShamsheraMovie pic.twitter.com/5Dqg7GDOhQ— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) May 7, 2018