Suriya’s 2D Entertainment is presenting the anthology film Sillukarupatti releasing on 27 December, 2019. The film is being released by Sakthi Film Factory (B Sakthivelan).
The producer of the film Venkatesh Velineni of Divine Productions said to media, “It is a privilege that 2D Entertainment and Sakthi Film Factory have taken such an avid interest in the movie. We are truly grateful. We really took our time making this movie. From the cast, to the technical crew, we ensured that every person was the right fit.”
About the film’s making, the producer said, “I can affirm that this is a first-of-its-kind attempt in Tamil cinema. It’s an anthology film that is based on relationships in an urban milieu. When Halitha narrated the script, we wanted to take it slow. We patiently waited for the right people who would fulfill their role in the film to perfection”.
He also added, “When big banners like 2D Entertainment and Sakthi Film Factory show an interest in our movies, it drives us to do better and gives us the motivation to focus on content-driven films with new filmmakers. We will be making more announcements with regard to our upcoming projects.”
Sillukarupatti features an ensemble cast —Samuthirakani, Sunainaa, Leela Samson, Nivedhithaa Sathish, Sara Arjun and Manikandan in the lead roles. Apart from writing and helming this film, Halitha Shameem has handled editing as well. She is a former associate of filmmakers Pushkar-Gayathri and Samuthirakani.