Singer Chinmayi Sripaada, who recently spoke about poet-lyricist Vairamuthu’s sexual harassment on Friday explained why it took her years to speak about the issue. In a video she said, “Many people have asked me many questions, and I would like to answer them all. Yes, this incident took place in Switzerland years ago. Till my wedding, everything related to my career, including co-singers or event managers, was handled by my mother. Since I was not mature enough to deal with it or talk about it, she kept me away from such things. I know German, and remember the organiser Suresh speaking to another organiser in German, telling him not to send his daughter when Vairamuthu is alone. It is true that Vairamuthu misbehaved after the concert in Switzerland, when getting my signature in the contract and payment vouchers. The people in his family and office knew.”
Talking about the delay in opening up about about the issue, she said: “All this happened in 2004 or 2005, when there was not much Internet penetration or mobile phone usage. It’s only in the past three or four years that we share opinions on social media. And, I’m being asked why my mother and I, who lived alone, did not complain to the cops or the industry then. Today, despite the fact that I’m popular, I’m accused of doing this for publicity. You think society would have accepted it then?”
To those asking why she did approach the media then, Chinmayi said: “There were only four channels then. I could not have sat on a protest in front of Sun TV saying Vairamuthu sir has misbehaved with me. It is only in recent years, especially after the Nirbhaya rape case, that people have started talking about sexual assault in public. Even then, in 2012, society asked what kind of dress Nirbhaya wore before being attacked. In 2004, society taught us to shut up and not talk about it when a man misbehaves. But, I maintain that I did not face any problem other than from Vairamuthu aiyya.”
To those wondering if the allegation is politically motivated, Chinmayi said, “A few linked me to a political party, but I’m the kind who raises her voice, be it Aadhaar or demonetisation. So, no, it was not done for publicity or political mileage.”
Earlier this week, Chinmayi, in a series of tweets, said that she was asked to visit Vairamuthu’s hotel room after an album release event held in Switzerland in the year 2005 or 2006. She said the organiser had urged her to ‘co-operate’. She also said that Vairamuthu threatened her when she refused to sing for his book release event sometime later.