SJ Suryah will share screen-space with Amitabh Bachchan in a new film. Titled Uyarndha Manidhan, the film was officially announced earlier today. Tha Tamizhvanan is the director of this film that will be jointly produced by Thiruchendur Murugan Productions and Five Elements Pictures.
Feeling blessed my hindi debut is with the ever green Indian super star @SrBachchan … thx to God and UYARNDHA MANIDHAN ( tamil/ hindi ) bilingual ??????…. thx to our super star @rajinikanth blessing us with this welcoming video …. yepdi news chumma adirudulla ??
— S J Suryah (@iam_SJSuryah) August 30, 2018
According to the film’s producer, Suresh Kannaan, the movie is a bilingual and will be released in Tamil and Hindi. He says that it was Thamizhvanan’s narration that convinced Amitabh to take up the project. “Thamizhvanan is a talented person and his story convinced Amitabh sir to agree to act in our production. He was very impressed with SJ Suryah sir as well. To have two such artistes in our home banner is a rare and proud moment for me and all of us involved in the team.”
Thamizhvanan makes his debut with this project.
The first look of the movie was launched by Rajinikanth. In an audio message, Rajinikanth says:
“Tamil cinema is enriched by the fact that my friend, Amitabh Bachchan, has decided to act in a Tamil film. Same way, I am very happy that Suryah is debuting in Hindi. My heartiest wishes to the team!”
Interestingly, the new film takes its title from a 1968 Sivaji Ganesan starrer. The film was an adaptation of the Bengali film, Uttar Purush.
The title of the new film may be a hat tip to Amitabh Bachchan’s height. The producer said that it was just one of the reasons for taking up the old title.
An official announcement regarding the cast and crew of the film will be made soon.