SJ Surya will make a special appearance in director Vishnuvardhan’s next, Yatchan. In an interview to The Times of India, Surya said that Vishnuvardhan has done a cameo for his upcoming film, Isai. He appears in a crucial scene right before the interval. Surya further added that Vishnuvardhan has done him a favour by being a part of his film.
While filming Yatchan, Vishnuvardhan had called Surya, and requested him to make a cameo in his movie. “Vishnuvardhan narrated the scene to me and I found it interesting,” Surya explained. His portions will be filmed in three days.
Yatchan has Arya, Kreshna and Deepa Sannidhi in the lead. Yuvan Shankar Raja composes music, and the movie is produced by UTV Motion Pictures in association with Vishnuvardhan Films.