Actor Suriya on Thursday issued a statement announcing the delay in the release of his upcoming film Soorarai Pottru. He stated that the makers of the movie are yet to obtain a No Objection Certificate from the Indian Air Force for the film, which has caused the delay.
Suriya explained that they had to deal with a number of procedures and permissions.
“As you all know SP is a story set in aviation industry. So we had to deal with numerous procedures and permissions, because it’s a matter of national security and we were dealing with real Indian Airforce aircrafts and security. A few new NOCs are still pending for approval, and we understand the wait is inevitable as this adverse time is demanding more and more focus on the nation and its priorities, than anything else!” he wrote.
Expressing his disappointment with the new set of challenges, the actor wrote: “When we started Soorarai Pottru, we thought the only challenges we would face will be shooting at never-before-shot-locations, working with people of different languages and bringing in personnel with different skill sets to bring alive the magnificent world of Maara.”
From us to you, an ode to never-ending support and friendship #SudhaKongara @gvprakash @2D_ENTPVTLTD@rajsekarpandian
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) October 22, 2020
Requesting his well wishers to take the delay in good spirit, Suriya announced the release of a new song from the movie – Aagasam Song. He called it a “friendship song” and dedicated it to “our friendship, love and affection”. The song has been composed jointly by GV Prakash and Thaikkudam Bridge.
The song has used the band’s Urumbu tune phrase with proper rights and credits. Aagasam was sung by Christin Jos, Govind Vasantha, while Arunraja Kmaraj has penned the lyrics.
Helmed by Sudha Kongara, Soorarai Pottru is a story about the life of Captain GR Gopinath who founded Air Deccan, India’s first low-cost airline. Along with Suriya, the movie stars Aparna Balamurali, M Mohan Babu, Paresh Rawal, Urvashi, Karunas, Vivek Prasanna, Krishna Kumar, Kaali Venkat and many others. The film is being bankrolled by Suriya’s 2D Entertainment and Guneet Monga’s Sikhya Entertainment.