SP Balasubrahmanyam has expressed concern at the lack of respect for the Telugu language. The singer, at a recent event, said that the Telugu speaking people were not dedicated to their language, and asked the film fraternity to do something about it.
“Please accept that Telugu people aren’t dedicated to their language. Maybe they’d clap if someone speaks of it but that’s it.”
According to a report in Deccan Chronicle, “It’s my request to all the present day actors that one in every four films they make, they do for themselves, for their pride and for their language. The rest of the three films could be anything. But just one film to take our jaati forward, to bring it into the limelight is much needed. It is necessary to strive to uphold the Telugu honour.”
The singer also expressed his utmost disappointment about the quality of cinema being churned out at present. “Everyone says that they are giving what the audience wants. But has anyone really asked them what they want? We’ve been giving them the same kind of cinema again and again and that is one reason they are tuned to enjoy it. They want something different too,” he further added.
SP Balasubrahmanyam is one of the most popular singers in the Indian industry. A native of Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, SPB began his career witha song in Sri Sri Maryada Ramanna, and went on to render over 40,000 sings in various Indian languages.