Actress Sridevi has sent a legal notice to filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma for naming his upcoming movie after her. When news broke of the film’s new title – it was earlier called Savitri – the actress’ husband Boney Kapoor tried to get in touch with RGV, but was rebuffed, we hear. The director chose to reply with a copy of his latest press release, instead. This approach did not go down well with Boney Kapoor and Sridevi, who had then sent a ‘cease and desist’ order. Said the spokesperson for the couple, “People have already begun associating the film – which has been labelled by the State Child Rights Commission as vulgar – with our client. Sridevi has already suffered huge embarrassment due to the queries being raised regarding the title.”
The notice also demands that the filmmaker render a public apology to Sridevi and that he also change the title immediately. Ram Gopal Varma’s spokesperson declined to comment on the issue as it is an ongoing legal matter.
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