Karan Johar is likely to cast Shahrukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai as the leads in his next film. A report in Deccan Chronicle stated a source saying “SRK and Aishwarya look so good together in ADHM. Karan now feels that he owes her a full-fledged role. He already has a script in mind for the two.”
The actors have been seen onscreen in films like Josh, Mohabbatein and Devdas. After their Devdas stint, Aishwarya and SRK were seen together in a special song in the film Shakti.
The actors were also supposed to act together in the 2004 film Chalte Chalte. Aishwarya shot for a few scenes in the film but had to drop out from the film allegedly due to a few issues caused by Salman Khan.
“Much time has passed since Chalte Chalte. All the awkwardness has been washed away and Aishwarya’s husband, Abhishek is extremely close to Shah Rukh. In fact he was instrumental to an extent in putting together the cast of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil,” the source told DC.
In Karan Johar’s latest release Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Shahrukh Khan does a cameo as Aishwarya Rai’s estranged husband. Johar and Khan have been good friends for two decades, since the shooting of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jaayenge, in which Johar assisted Yash Chopra. Karan Johar last directed Khan in 2010 film My Name is Khan.