Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan, who finally managed to watch S.S Rajamouli’s latest blockbuster Baahubali, thanked the film’s team for inspiring him. Apparently, soon after returning to Mumbai from Dilwale shoot in Bulgaria, SRK watched Baahubali on priority, and was stunned by it.
SRK wrote on his Twitter account: “Baahubali! What a hard worked at film. 2 every 1 involved thanx for the inspiration. U can only reach the sky if u r willing to take the leap (sic)”.
Baahubali what a hard worked at film. 2 every1 involved thanx for the inspiration. U can only reach the sky if u r willing to take the leap!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 2, 2015
Baahubali has turned out to be India’s biggest grossing film, breaking all collection records right from the release day. With a worldwide gross of nearly Rs. 500 crore, the film has surpassed box-office numbers of Bollywood blockbusters such as Kick and Happy New Year.