STR recently tweeted about his upcoming film, and took all by surprise when he mentioned it would be a September release! Considering the actor’s past history, where directors such as Pandiraj and Gautham Vasudev Menon have spoken about how he’s never on time to the sets, not many took his tweet seriously. But, his close aides say that this time around, STR is serious about the project and is determined to complete this project as per schedule.
Now, the untitled project is underway and Yuvan Shankar Raja will come up with the background score for this “songless” film. Yuvan’s spokesperson confirmed to Silverscreen that “Yuvan Shankar Raja is scoring music for the film”.
Simbu’s close aides say that Kettavan Kettidil Kittidum Rajayogam, which the actor tweeted about, could just be a tag line and not the title of the film. But, a September release? We will have to wait and watch!
Simbu again took to Twitter today to provide an update about the project.
@thisisysr has already started composing the background score. First time finishing the score and then shooting. Need all ur support n love
— STR (@iam_str) August 2, 2017
Yuvan has bunch of films on hand, including Aneethi Kathaigal, Irumbu Thirai, Kolaiyudhir Kalam, Raja Ranguski, Mannavan Vandhanadi and Balloon.