Actor Sudheer Babu, brother-in-law of Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, will make his Bollywood debut in Sajid Nadiadwala’s Baaghi, which features Tiger Shroff in the titular role. Babu, known for his work in films such as Prema Katha Chitram and Mosagallaku Mosagadu, will have lot of combination scenes with Tiger in the movie, which recently went on the floors.
While it’s unclear what role Sudheer is playing, reliable sources indicate that he has already started shooting. Shraddha Kapoor is playing the film’s leading lady. A former Badminton champion, Sudheer debuted with a guest role in Gautham Vasudev Menon’s Ye Maaya Chesave, and went on to star in two back-to-back hits, Shiva Manasulo Shakti and Prema Katha Chitram. He’s currently awaiting the release of his next movie, the romantic-drama Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini.