Director Sundar C admitted to being a fan of Actor Santhanam and declared that he intends to make the comedian a regular feature in his films. Santhanam plays a key role in his next release, Aranmanai, a horror comedy. “With Santhanam, what I like is that he has never acted pricey. Whenever I call him, he would just ask me how much time do I need and would work with utmost cooperation. Even though he is probably the highest paid comedian right now, he has never negotiated salary with me. He is among a very rare breed of actors and that’s why he is so successful,” said the director at the audio launch of Aranmanai.
Interestingly Sundar C also maintained that he would never work with Vadivelu again and didn’t specify the reasons for it. But then as they say in film world- there no permanent enemies or friends here!