Actor Suniel Shetty will no longer be a part of Ram Gopal Varma’s Sarkar 3. The actor was roped in earlier this year for a pivotal role in the film, but he revealed recently that he’d made the decision to leave the project since ‘his character did not materialise in the way he expected.’
The 55-year-old, however, said he and RGV are planning to work together soon. “My character did not turn out the way we expected…Have mutually agreed to work another time… Love RGVzoomin’s work,” Suniel tweeted.
My character did not turn out the way we expected…Have mutually agreed to work another time… Love @RGVzoomin s work
— Suniel Shetty (@SunielVShetty) October 17, 2016
The movie is the third in the Sarkar franchise with megastar Amitabh Bachchan reprising his role as Subhash Nagre.
The film also stars Rohini Hattangadi, Jackie Shroff, Manoj Bajpayee, Ronit Roy, Bharat Dhabolkar, Amit Sadh and Yami Gautam.
The shooting for the film will begin this year in Mumbai and abroad.
Meanwhile, Shetty will star alongside actor Sidharth Malhotra in Reloaded directed by Krishna DK – Raj Nidimoru.
The actor also recently announced that he had started an online casting firm, ‘F… The Couch’, with renowned casting director Mukesh Chhabra.
As the name suggests, it aims to rebel against practices that deter real talent from getting their due. “This is the need of the hour. There’s plenty of untapped talent across the globe and not all aspirants can come to Mumbai and struggle. Our venture will help them explore opportunities from the comfort of their homes,” says Mukesh.