Suriya and Karthi team up to sing ‘Cha Cha Charey’ for Venkat Prabhu’s Party. The track is what people call ‘amped up’ and ‘high on energy’ – the operative word being high. In keeping with the film’s theme, the song has thematic words that sum up the movie – ‘bikini’, ‘large’, ‘small’, ‘cheers’, ‘cocktail’, ‘tequila’ and of course, ‘party’. Or as Kharesma Ravichandran puts it – partay. Because that’s how the cool kids say it.
These words are interspersed with chaste Tamil, in case Gangai Amaren takes offence.
This song also takes the phrase ‘keeping it in the family’ to all new levels. Parthi Bhasker, a cousin of the director, takes care of the lyrics for the song. The sibling connect is completed by actors Suriya and Karthi, and director Venkat Prabhu and Premgi Amaren.
Venkat Prabhu steps in for the second half of the song, in case you thought Suriya and Karthi wasn’t enough star power. Kharesma is the sole trained singer amongst the four, and it shows.
Towards the end, the song slowly descends into kuthu territory. Because what is a Tamil film party song without some good old-fashioned kuthu.
Suriya, in his tweet releasing the song, says he had ‘blind trust’ in Amaren and Venkat Prabhu, and so that is why he agreed to be a part of it. For the notoriously straight-laced Suriya, this song is a curious association. In part due to its racy content.
The visuals promise lots of swimming pools, swimsuits, and scenic views of the beach. Cinematographer RD Rajasekhar makes a brief appearance in the video, as do Regina Cassandra, Nivetha Pethuraj and Sanchita Shetty.
Whether the film will stay relevant to the times is a question that will be answered later. For now, it is enough to sit back and watch in amazement as Amaren, the original meme-worthy actor and the recently crowned Isai Tequila, shows us how it feels to be at a beach party in the Fiji Islands.
And yes, it does make one want to use the sort of words Bhasker has strung together for the song.