Actor Suriya had written a lengthy anguish note about the country’s education system in Hindu Tamizh a few days ago. Though many appreciated the sentiments, it didn’t go down too well with Tamil Nadu’s BJP president, Tamizhisai Soundararajan. Following this, several Suriya fans took to social media and trolled her with memes and status updates.
The actor’s fan association then released an official statement condemning such behaviour.
“We came to know that some of our fans have criticised Dr Tamizhisai Soundararajan in a disrespectful manner on social media. Suriya annan will not accept such comments. Everybody has their right to comment. Suriya has taught us to accept criticism honestly. So, we strictly condemn those fans who make such inappropriate comments. We apologise to Dr Tamizhisai Soundararajan if the comments had hurt her.”
While the association condemn the trolling, they also mentioned that they stand by what the actor wrote. “Suriya annan always said, ‘Don’t do things for publicity. If you wish to do something wholeheartedly, go ahead with it.’ This association has been working all these two years based on these his words.”