Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput will reportedly play an astronaut in Bollywood’s first space film, titled Chandamama Door Ke. The film will be directed Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan, who won the National Award in 2010 for Lahore. According to a Times of India report, Chandamama Door Ke will be about a team of astronauts who go on a mission that brings the country together.
There had been reports of a planned film on a space mission since October 2014. Speaking to the Times, Sushant Singh Rajput said that it would be an “epic film”, one that hadn’t been attempted before.
Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan, who reportedly took two years to research for this film, clarified that the film is not a biopic on anyone in particular, “Our story isn’t based on anyone in particular but it is inspired by multiple incidents that occurred in the past. It traces the journey of India’s space programme and culminates with the country’s first astronaut landing on the moon in 2017-18.”
The filmmaker and his team have even reached out to Hollywood VFX technicians for the film’s special effects.
Meanwhile, Sushant Singh Rajput is currently preparing for the sports film Raabta, and has shared videos and pictures of his training sessions on social media. He is also acting in Neeraj Pandey’s sports biopic M.S.Dhoni – The Untold Story, a film about Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
Photo credits: Sushant Singh Rajput’s IMDB page.