Actress Swathi Reddy, who was last seen in the Jai-starrer Vadacurry, will be lending her vocals for a song in director Suraj’s upcoming movie, Appatakkar. According to The Times of India, the actress was approached by music director S Thaman to render a kuthu number. Actor STR has also been approached to sing this peppy number, said the report.
However, STR hasn’t allotted any dates for the recording till now, and sources say that Swathi Reddy was Thaman’s first choice for this folk song.
Appattakar, directed by Suraj, has Jayam Ravi, Trisha, Soori and Anjali in the lead roles. Actor Vivek will be seen in a new look in this film, alongside Rajendran and Ashvin Raja. Actress Poorna will be seen in a cameo role.