For actor Taapsee Pannu, the past year has been more than kind. Taapsee began 2017 with roles in Naam Shabana, The Ghazi Attack and, which earned her a lot of critical acclaim.
The actress turns 30 this week and has posted a note on Instagram for her fans. Thanking them for their support, Pannu said that the main reason behind her decision to become an actress was to “connect with them all@ and become an inseparable part of their lives.
“With this love and strength getting back to ‘ battle ground’ and the resolution is to fight “MY OWN battles” Love n more love. Yours truly,” Taapsee said.
Up next for Pannu is the Hindi film Judwaa 2 and the Telugu film Anando Brahma. In Judwaa 2, the actress will be acting alongside Varun Dhawan.