Ten prominent Telugu film personalities have been sent notices to appear for questioning by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the enforcement wing of the excise and prohibition department. This is in connection with the drug racket that was unearthed in Hyderabad recently.
A SIT official told DC:
“Two women, three prominent film stars and a popular director are among the 10 persons.”
Moreover, around fifty individuals from the Telugu industry have been identified as having links with Calvin, the main accused in the case.
Akun Sabharwal, director of enforcement, said, “We can’t judge at the moment who the addicts and suppliers are. We have sent notices to them. We can’t reveal names or the number now. The notices have been sent under Section 67 of the NDPS Act.”
Another SIT official said that section 67 ensures that the excise authorities can question any person on benefit of doubt. “We will question them about their contact with the accused persons in the drug racket. We requested in the notices that they cooperate with the investigation teams,” the official said.
Pic: Star Of Mysore