On Monday, Information and Publicity Minister Of Tamil Nadu Kadambur C Raju told press and media at Pandavarmangalam, Kovilpatti that they do not plan on providing permission for film shooting given the current COVID19 situation in Tamil Nadu. The minister had met press and media after the inauguration of a ration shop at Kovilpatti.
He added that film shooting called for a huge crew size that would prove detrimental to the situation and might also attract passersby exacerbating the situation. “It also requires a large number of permissions which would not be possible right now,” he said.
He said small-screen productions could be shot indoor owing to a smaller crew but films require to be shot outside four walls and will not be possible in the current situation.
He also added that Tamil Nadu will follow the rules laid down by the Central government in terms of shooting.
தமிழகத்தில் சினிமா படப்பிடிப்புகளுக்கு அனுமதி இல்லை : அமைச்சர் கடம்பூர் ராஜூ!
Youtube Subscribe Link ➤ https://t.co/rXadJUYGKg#Corona | #COVID19 | #Lockdown | #TNGovt | #KadamburRaju | #TamilCinema | #CinemaShooting pic.twitter.com/RqyCdnXoY0
— News7 Tamil (@news7tamil) August 4, 2020
Recently, a group of producers including Bharathiraja, SA Chandrasekhar, K Rajan, Thyagarajan, Suresh Kamatchi, and Lalit Kumar met the minister to grant permission for film shooting and to reopen theaters. They also requested the removal of the 8% local entertainment tax and a reduction in ticket prices.
To this, Kadambur Raju had said that he would take a decision after discussing with Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Edapadi K Palaniswami.
Met our Hon’able Minister @Kadamburrajuofl avl along wit our great legends @offBharathiraja sir,#SAC sir,#KRajan sir,@TGThyagarajan sir,#Keyaar sir & my colleagues @TSivaAmma na,@Dhananjayang sir,@sureshkamatchi bro & discussed the Industry’s present situation & to resume d shoot pic.twitter.com/OgRgb8BDHd
— Lalitkumar (@Lalit_SevenScr) July 28, 2020
A few weeks ago, the minister had also told the press and media at Kovilpatti that the opening of theatres would not be feasible for the owners given the norms laid down by the central government. He said that in countries where theatres have opened, only two members have been allowed to sit in a row, and following the same would result in heavy losses here.
திரையரங்குகளை திறக்க தற்சமயம் சாத்தியக் கூறுகள் இல்லை என அமைச்சர் கடம்பூர் ராஜூ தெரிவித்துள்ளார்https://t.co/tN57fT0gWD | #CinemaTheatres #Theatres #KadamburRaju
— PTMovies (@pttvmovies) July 22, 2020
It is also noteworthy that the minister had made a statement recently that releasing films on OTT platforms is not proving favourable to the government and will result in losses. He added that it was not a healthy decision and that it was okay if it was a temporary decision to cope with the situation.
‘OTT-யில் திரைப்படம் வெளியீடு: அரசுக்கு இழப்பு – அமைச்சர்’
OTT-யில் திரைப்படம் வெளியிடுவதால் அரசுக்கும் இழப்பு ஏற்படுகிறது
A D V E R T I S E M E N TOTT-யில் திரைப்படம் வெளியிடுவதை அரசால் நேரடியாக தடுக்க முடியாது
– அமைச்சர் கடம்பூர் ராஜூ#OttPlatforms #KadamburRaju
— PuthiyathalaimuraiTV (@PTTVOnlineNews) May 29, 2020
Image Courtesy: digitalstudioindia.com