Actor and director Cheran, who took a long break from the industry, has made a great comeback with the upcoming venture Thirumanam – Sila Thiruthangaludan. The trailer of the film was unveiled recently.
The four minute long trailer shows the hardships faced by the family of bride and the differences between the two families which affect the bride and groom. The trailer features Umapathy Ramaiah, Kavya Suresh Cheran, Suganya, Thambi Ramaiah, M.S.Bhaskar, Jayaprakash, Manobala and Bala Saravanan. Though the trailer began with the famous wedding proverb ‘Weddings are destined in heaven’, it goes from a happy family mode to showing conflicts and tension arise due to difference in opinions and choices.
We see that Cheran, who plays the brother of the female lead Kavya, and Suganya, who is the sister of Umapathy Ramaiah – the groom – have misunderstandings and ego conflicts which develops day by day. It is also seen that the cold war ends up in withdrawing the wedding. Umapathy comes to a conclusion that he needs neither his sister nor Kavya’s brother and calls her, asks her to come with him. But gets rejected by Kavya later.
With all the clashes, the trailer finally leaves a message by explaining the reason for spending so much for each wedding. On the whole, the trailer revolves around the pre-wedding phase of two youngsters and their families. Because Cheran is known for his evocative films heavy on emotion and sentiments, it is expected that Thirumanam… will be no different.
Speaking about the film at its launch, Cheran said, “The film reflects the life of common people and how money plays an important role and how shortage of it affects their life.”
Thirumanam – Sila Thiruthangaludan is produced by Premnath Chidambaram under the banner Preniss International, who is debuting as producer with this project. The music for the film is composed by Siddharth Vipin, who previously worked with Cheran in JK Enum Nanbanin Vaazhkai, while the lyrics for the songs are by Yugabharathi, Lalithanand and Cheran. The cinematography for the film is by Rajesh Yadav of Chennai 600028 II-fame, and Ponnuvel Dhamodaran takes care of the editing.
Watch the trailer here: