Actor Kamal Haasan’s upcoming film Thoongaavanam has been in the limelight ever since it was launched. The latest update is that the shooting of the movie, directed by Rajesh M Selva, will be wrapped up by the end of July. According to an IANS report, a source close to the team confirmed that major portions of the movie had been canned.
At present, the Thoongaavanam team is shooting some sequences in a set erected on the East Coast Road in Chennai.
Kamal Haasan is now awaiting the release of his film Papanasam, helmed by director Jeethu Joseph. A remake of the Malayalam blockbuster Drishyam, the film was said to be shot in a record time of 39 days. It looks like Kamal Haasan is now all geared up to complete as much films as he can.
Thoongavanam’s shoot commenced on May 24 in Hyderabad. This thriller film has Trisha, Prakash Raj, Madhu Shalini, Yugi Sethu, Asha Sarath, Kishore and Sampath in the lead roles. The movie has music scored by Ghibran, while cinematographer Sanu Varghese and editor Vijay Shankar are part of the technical team. Thoongaavanam is said to be an official remake of the French movie Sleepless Night.